Search Results for: guided math

Fraction Math Mats

Fraction Math Mats

Fraction math mats support understanding of fraction concepts, models, and computations. Students will use manipulatives, drawings, or numbers to represent and compute varied fraction skills. Fraction Math Mats Fraction math mats are perfect for deepening understanding during mini-lessons, teacher-led small groups, RTI and intervention time, and as math stations. 100 Scaffolded Fraction Math Mats From…

Math Strategies Books

Math Strategies Books

One of the ways to positively impact math instruction is through teaching math strategies by name and process, providing a visual of each method, and allowing students to anchor their learning.  This routine is simple and effective. Today, we are excited to share a new resource, Math Strategies Books, an even easier way to ensure…

Math Tools Resource Kits

Math Tools Resource Kits

As a classroom teacher for eighteen years, I notice students consistently struggle with certain math information and problem-solving, regardless of grade level or math curriculum. To support students with this, I created Math Tools. During small group instruction, introduce the math mats and graphic organizers to scaffold the learning to be hands-on. Once students understand…

Math Data Tracking

Math Data Tracking

This post will cover simple ways to collect data in a math classroom.  Math Data Tracking should be two things: simple and effective.  Our goal in bringing these ideas and resources to light is to provide a simple solution that improves math instruction and learning in the process. Math Data Tracking The first layer to…

How to Foster Independence During Math Stations

How to Foster Independence During Math Stations

Every teacher struggles with independence during workstations to some degree during the school year.  Although fostering independence is a universal pain point for running math workstations, most teachers take this struggle as a frustrating failure.  Let’s shake off that teacher guilt right now!  Rather than dwelling on the lack of independence, we can analyze what…

Math Fact Fluency Practice

Math Fact Fluency Practice

Math fact fluency is the quick and effortless recall of basic math facts. When students achieve automaticity with these facts, they have attained a level of mastery that enables them to retrieve them from long-term memory without conscious effort.  There are a lot of opinions from teachers on fact fluency, and rightly so!  With differing levels of learners,…

Level Up Your Math Block

Level Up Your Math Block

On a scale of <not for me> to OBSESSED, where do you fall when it comes to teaching your math block? Math instruction, like other subject areas, requires a knowledge of the content paired with management and organization of the instructional time and skills.  For some teachers, math anxiety can obstruct the path to loving…

Free Math Workstations

Free Math Workstations

Math workstations are a fan favorite for both students and teachers, but the challenge lies in resources.  In this post, I am sharing free math workstations for Kinder to 5th to help you find just the right resource for your students. Finding Math Workstations Finding the right resources for workstations can be challenging.  We want…

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